What Is Your Most Proud Moment? – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 53

Proud Moments

Wedding Day 2005.
I like to joke and say Elijah
was the silent witness at the ceremony.

This is a very simple blog post.  There are 3 moments that I hold very near and dear to my heart.  The first is the day I got married.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  We were already engaged for about a year and a half and then we found out in January ’05 we were going to be a family.  So, we decided to get married in the courthouse, and it worked out perfect.  We joke all the time and say that the Man in Black married us, because he looked like Johnny Cash.  He was very serious with us, too.  He sat down with us prior to the ceremony and asked point blank, “Are you serious about this?”  Then he asked again, “Are you serious about this?  This is not something to be taken lightly and if you’re not serious, I will not perform the ceremony.  I appreciated that talk because it showed how much he values marriage.  It was a great ceremony, and we just celebrated 9 years in March.

2005 – Elijah’s first official photo.  It’s amazing how far
we’ve come from that day.

The other proud moments are the birth of my children. It goes without saying that these boys have made my life complete.  Elijah, my oldest, almost didn’t make it, and we call him our miracle baby.  We had a couple scares during this pregnancy.  First, there was the possiblity of him being a down’s baby.  There was a chance he had Trisomy-21, and we had to go over to IWK Children’s Hospital in Halifax for further testing.  After taking the Maternal Serum testing, it turned out he was fine, no signs of down’s, but regardless of the outcome, we were going to see the pregnancy to term.  He was a full-term baby, but there were complications on delivery day, which lead to an emergency C-section and he wasn’t breathing when he was born.  Both his lungs collapsed, he had to be revived and was ulitmately flown over to the IWK.  I didn’t get to hold him or hear him cry until he was two days old.  Today, you couldn’t tell he had any complications and he’s about to turn 9 this year.

2008 – Justus makes his appearance into the world.

Justus, our middle child, was very emotional time when it came to his birth.  We were excited, nervous, scared and on pins and needles.  I know I was because all I kept thinking about was 2 1/2 years earlier.  It was another c-section and this time, we all heard a cry.  I cried, hubby cried, the staff in the room cried, and it was the best sound I ever heard.  Justus turned 6 this year, is finishing up Kindergarten and is simply thriving.  He’s a little reserved, quiet and sometimes likes to be on his own, but he is so smart.  He loves to build, draw, color and design.  He fell in love with building blocks at 6 months and would color-coordinate the blocks as if it were second nature to him.  He’s the same way today, and heaven help anyone who tries to mess up his creations.  He can be very quiet, but when he makes his presence known, watch out.  That’s the Taurus coming out of him.  He also has a smile that will melt your heart.

2009 – Isaac at 2 days old.  This is one of
my favorites.  He still makes this face when
he sleeps. 

As for Isaac, our youngest, well, he was always a spit-fire, even in utero.  Again, we had a scare and the possiblity of down’s, so it was back to IWK for further testing, which later showed he was fine.  Isaac’s journey into the world was also interesting.  This was right around the time of H1N1.  The day before our scheduled c-section, it seemed like everyone was getting the H1N1 vaccine (shots) and this ended up being a family affair.  Can you imagine sitting there, one day before my surgery getting the H1N1 shot?  Anyhow, that happened, and the following Friday morning, I was on my way to the hospital.  Isaac came into the world letting everyone know he was here and let his presence be known.  I remember because of the H1N1 fiasco, visitors were only limited to one family member a day, and thankfully, the boys got to see their brother before it was enforced.  Isaac is very fun-loving and always has a smile and a “hi” for everyone.  He feels it’s his job to make everyone smile.  He will be 5 this year, and can’t wait to start Kindergarten in the fall.

So, these are my proud moments; moments that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

My best creations.