Show You Care – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 70

Show You Care

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” – John Maxwell

Today has been an interesting day, to say the least.  I guess it started early yesterday morning when my laptop decided to go on the fritz on me (again.)  I found out today that it’s quite possibly the mother board.  Good grief.  It was a scramble to make sure I could still use my desktop, and thankfully it’s still usable.

I first heard the above quote a few years ago, and for me, today this really rang true.  I had one appointment that completely fell through, and I’ve decided to love them and leave them.  It’s not the right time, right fit, whatever it may be.  On the flip side, I got reacquainted with a friend and we talked for quite a bit.  Turns out we have a lot of parallels, and after explaining a situation, I let her know I may be able to help.  

When you truly take the focus off yourself and put it back on the other person, it’s amazing how that makes you feel.  Think about it…when was the last unselfish thing you’ve done for someone without expecting anything in return?  When did you simply listen with an open heart and just be there for someone else?  Better yet, remember a time in your life when someone did an unselfish act for YOU?!?!?  How did it make you feel?  Why not turn around and give someone else that same feeling?

What will come of the conversation?  I’m not sure.  But knowing that someone is going through something I experienced and knowing how they are feeling right now was all that was on my mind.  If I could help ease the pain, I will do what I can.  Regardless of the outcome, I offered help, and in many cases, that’s just enough.