What Are You Looking Forward To? – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 92

What Am I Looking Forward To?

There are quite a few things I’m looking forward to.  First off, I’m really excited about the upcoming school year.  Yes, I know the kids just got out of school, but I’m looking forward to the next phase of our life when all 3 boys will be in school.  It’ll be quite a few firsts – the first time all 3 will be in school together all day and the first time I will be in a kd-free zone all day.  I’ve been joking around saying I’m gonna have a party and go wild and crazy, but I am readay to see what life and my days will be like without any kids.

I’m also looking foarward to the possibility of hearing an amazing speaker this September.  A little challenge was posted our way and it’s a little bit of a tall order.  It’s going to require me to really get over my fears, step up and take chances.  When I keep that determined attitude that I know I have (since I’ve done it in the past,) there’s no reason why I can’t make the trip to Montreal to hear this person speak live and have the chance to sit down and speak with him on a personal level.

So, these are the two things I’m most looking forward to.  They’re coming up, so I’ve got to step it up.  I’m up for the challenge, and can’t wait to see what I accomplish.

Keeping It Real and Taking Action – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 87

Wake Up Call

The kids had their first full day of summer vacation, and they’re like see-saws.  First, they’re excited, then their bored, hungry, tired, thirsty, yada yada yada.  This is started off to be a great summer.
Back to the task at hand.  This week has been a week of challenges.  So many things taking place in my business and our region was challenged to step it up in order to make things happen.  For the past 4 days, the challenge was to set appointments with others to show how we can enhance their lives.  The challenge usually calls for setting at least one appointment for that day.  So, it could happen on your first call or your 20th call, as long as you set that appointment, you’re done.  The idea behind this one a day challenge is to show consistency in our efforts.  If this was done every day for 5 days a week, you’re looking at a minimum of 20 appointments in that month.  Thinking about how that can impact so many lives is monumental.
For me, this was a necessary challenge, and I needed to step it up a few notches.  Things have slowed a bit, not progressing at the pace I would like, but this challenge has opened up my eyes and made me realize I need to keep my eye on the prize.  Look long term and not the quick, easy fixes.  I also had a talk tonight with my mentor and he hit on some key areas that I need to tweak a bit which should yield better results.  After that call, I went to work and kept going until I saw the results.  We will see what happens over the course of the next week to see how those results pan out.  Whatever the outcome, I am not going to stop.  I will keep going because regardless of what others do around me, I will keep going.

Keep Moving Forward – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 79

Keep Going

For the past few days, I’ve been pretty open and honest because, let’s face it, there are some people out there who are just plain evil.  People who have ill intentions toward others and will stop at nothing to satisfy their needs at the expense of others.

I shared my thoughts on what happens as you are building a business, the emotions that are involved and the importance of finding inspiration.  It’s also important to have an outlet – someone to talk to or something to express your feelings.  I’ll admit, for me, that is something I struggle with on a constant basis.  I let people in, poured my heart out and it was used against me; so there are times when I am very guarded.  At the same time, you need someone to talk to about your feelings, otherwise you’ll go crazy.

When things get tough (and believe me they will), there are going to be times when you

want to throw in the towel, give up and walk away.  It happens to all of us, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.  You can tell them I said so.  If the path you’ve chosen is truly the path you wish to travel, it always comes back to your WHY.  Revisiting your why daily keeps you on track, helps you to regroup and to have that laser sharp focus and keep the end in mind.

What has been your biggest struggle lately?  Did you feel defeated?  Lost?  Did you question yourself?  Wondering if it will ever be fun again?  Find someone you trust, share your feelings and that person could very well help bring you back on track, just by asking the right questions.  This was the case for me today and I was brought back to the light and back on track.  It’s pretty amazing the events that have taken place since that conversation.  It truly is powerful once you clear your mind and regroup.  Things start to fall into place and things start happening.

Realize people, events and life happens.  You’ll get quite a few curve balls thrown your way.  Find an outlet that helps you unwind and then get back on the horse and keep going.  You’ve got this.  You can do it.  Believe in yourself because you’re doing it.

Just keep going.

Taking That First Step – 100 Day Blog Challenge Day 16

You’ve Got to Learn to Crawl, Before You Learn to Walk

Today, I was actually at a loss of what to share.  But, earlier this evening, I saw a video posted of a young boy taking his first steps from his Dad to his Mom, while the Granddad
watched and recorded the whole event.  It lasted for about 40 seconds, but it spoke volumes.  The looks on the Mom’s face as her boy made those steps toward her; stumbling a couple times, then getting back up and finally with outstretched arms, reaches his Mom in what could only be described as the winning shot, was a sight to behold.

And that one video got me to thinking…

Why do we want to rush the process of success, or better worded, BYPASS all the necessary steps to success, thinking we have a better understanding of how to get there than those who have paved the way for us?  Why do we try to sidestep, or re-invent the wheel, instead of just following the steps and trusting the process?

When that little boy made the walk from his Dad to his Mom, they both practiced with him over and over and over, day in and day out.  The first time, he fell and was most likely frustrated, and Mom and Dad were there to cheer him on and let him know it was okay.  But, each day, he got better and better until he was at that point where his legs were strong enough and HE was ready to go from crawling to walking.

Trust the Process

Too often than not, we think we know better than others; we don’t need help or coaching.  “Oh, I know that already,” or “I don’t need to know THAT,” or “I’ve already done that, I don’t need to go through that again.”

When did we become “Know-it-All’s?”

Is the process of learning a new skill or being trained by someone else any different than the little boy learning how to walk?  Do we feel that at a certain age we don’t need to be taught anything else?  Do we really think we know EVERYTHING?!?!?!  

When you stop LEARNING, you stop GROWING!!!  Every day is a new day to get better at something or learn something new.  I love learning.  I try to be like a sponge all the time because I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t have all the answers.  I will never claim to know it all.  How can I?  I haven’t experienced everything there is out there to experience.

And neither have YOU!!!

Look at Every Day as a Chance to Become a Better YOU

One of the great things about life is that many things and people are put before us to make us better.  Even those who hurt us.  It’s important not to dismiss the bad and only search for the good.  For it’s those obstacles and “bad times” that builds us up, teaches us what not to do next time and become stronger, better, wiser.  Make every day a new lesson and add it to your Book of Life.  Read a book, take up art, learn to cook, go BASE jumping, ALWAYS be a work in progress and explore who you are.

Trust the process, never stop learning, check your ego at the door, let others teach you and be OPEN!!!

You never know who you might discover.

Rising to the Blog Challenge – 100 Day Blog Challenge

Day 1 – Another Day, Another Challenge

Challenges seem to bring out the best in me, and so I’ve decided to challenge myself once again so I can hone my blogging skills.  Hone?  How about FIND my blogging skills?!?!?!  My blogs have been very sporadic and all over the place.  I’ve got lots to say and just not sure how to say it.  So, yesterday, it hit me – if I am going to get better at blogging, I’m going to have to be consistent with blogging.

I’m not sure how this will pan out, but I am nervous, excited and looking forward to this challenge.  What will happen?  My hope is that over the next 100 days, I will develop a great desire to blog more often.  Some will be planned (i.e. reviews, essays, etc.), most will be on the fly, based on my emotions.  Some will be quick little posts, others novels.  But, I will always be honest and try to be as real as possible.

Thank you, in advance, to those who decide to follow me on this journey.  I welcome any and all feedback and hope these next 100 days will be a growing process for you and me alike.  Take care, be well, and thanks for reading.

Embracing Change

Change…it’s such a hard thing to grasp sometimes.  I mean, why do things have to change?  Can’t things just remain the same?  I don’t always think this way, but this has come into play fairly recently on many different levels.

This week, my hubby left for work in Alberta, Canada, which is about 3,000 miles and 3 time zones away.  We knew this was coming, and waiting for the call for a new job, but the reality setting in was a different story.  At first, I was just numb.  I didn’t know WHAT to feel.  It’s  not like this was something new.  This has been my life for the past 7 years.  What made it different was he’d been home for the past 14 months or so.  While our finances took a hit, something else happened…we were a family.  The boys got to know their Dad and he got to know them.  We were a unit and it almost felt normal.  So, when we had to watch him get on a plane Monday morning, it was a little surreal.  Hearing and watching Elijah, our oldest, break down begging for his Dad to stay home was a whole new level of “whoa.”

It’s amazing how one person or one event can have such an impact on your life.  We know it’s for the greater good, and at least he’ll be home every two weeks, but transitioning back to single mother duties is going to be a challenge.  It already has been a challenge.  The emotions, the adjustments, EVERYTHING has shifted.  We’ve all had to make some changes and it’s been a little rough.  Day 3 of Operation Single Mom has commenced, and so far, 80, no 70, no 60% of the kinks have been worked out.  This is going to be a process.

Change has happened in other areas of my life as well.  I’ve embarked on a fitness lifestyle since 2010, and it’s been going great.  So far, my favorite instructor is Chalene Johnson.  I’ve done 3 rounds of TurboFire, and finished ChaLEAN Extreme in December.  This month, I started RevAbs, and as I posted in one of my fitness groups, I was not feeling it.  Here’s what I posted:
“Hey Fitness Pals, so I’ve been doing the RevAbs program now for 17 days, and wasn’t really feeling it (hence the addition of TF here and there.) Then it dawned on me. The reason why I haven’t been getting into it is because I haven’t ALLOWED myself to accept the new workout. I’ve been so used to Chalene Johnson’s technique that I kind of compared the two. I wasn’t open to the change. We all know how we tend to react to change, right? So, this morning when I popped the Power Intervals DVD in for class today, I made a mental note to myself to let go and embrace the workout. Wow, what a difference it made. By changing my mindset just a tiny bit, allowed me to not only have a great workout (I finally did a couple of the full-on Squat Thrusts) but I actually had FUN!!! So, there’s my thought for the day. Embrace change, because it’s what will get you to where you want to go. Take care, and be well, my friends.”

This post is actually what inspired me to write this blog.  Change is hard; change is tough; change forces us to, well, CHANGE!!!  And sometimes we just don’t want to.  But when we are willing to let go, embrace change, and allow what happens to happen, we may be pleasantly surprised at what we find on the other side.

We’re 23 days into 2013, and I vowed this would be a year of change.  I am currently redoing Chalene Johnson’s 30 Day Challenge, which has totally given me a new found energy and drive to tackle my goals.  I have noticed my confidence level coming back; I have more posture and I am handling my tasks with a go-get ’em attitude.  It’s still a process, and by no means am I where I want to be.  But this challenge has given me to push I need to get back on the saddle, re-evaluate my priorities and do the things that will give me the results I seek.

As far as my business goes, I have my goals in place, and doing the right activities that will lead me to my goals.  Many will disagree, many will argue.  Those who catch the vision and see what I see will partner with me and I will help them reach their goals. 

So, while change may be scary, uncomfortable and downright awful to swallow, EMBRACE it!!!  This is a new year to make your dreams come true.  So, decide what you want, seek the information to get you there and put a plan in place to make it happen.

Take care, be well, and until we meet again, never stop dreaming!!!  Here’s to achieving our goals.