It’s Not the Destination, It’s the Journey that Counts – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 67

Life is a Journey

“Get ready to
take the picture, Mom.”

My kids never cease to amaze me and today was no different.  Today, Isaac, Precious and I went for a walk.  Along the way, we made a few stops.  For me, I would be in “go” mode – getting my miles in and getting home.  Today, was different.  We stopped and spoke with one of our neighbors, we took our time and on the way back, Isaac picked dandelions and made wishes on them.  As I watched him do this, I realized that those moments are what makes life so enjoyable.  The look on his face was priceless.

Making his wish

We continued on our walk and we came upon an apple tree in bloom.  We stopped again and took pictures and once again, I watched as Isaac reveled in all the beauty that was around us.  Once again, I realized that sometimes I just need to slow down and appreciate what is around me.

Yeah, the bills need to be paid, the dishes need to be done, same story every day.  But in those moments this afternoon, they will be in my memories forever and I have to thank my little guy for that.

Making a wish on
a dandelion

He’s a kid of
many expressions
Love that face