Celebration and Reflection – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 73

Celebration and Reflection

Today is a special day.  It’s hard to believe it’s already been 11 years.  On this day 11 years ago, we arrived on Prince Edward Island in Canada.  The journey actually started the day before on the 10th; actually it really culminated at the beginning of the year and finally came to fruition on the 10th and 11th.  Wow, moving from the biggest state in the United States to the smallest province in Canada.  What the heck was I thinking?!?!?

I remember the whole trip like it was yesterday.  Leaving Anchorage on a wet, rainiy day from our crappy apartment on Lake Otis Parkway.  There was construction going on and traffic was a mess. We called 2 cabs trying to figure out which one would get us to the airport in time for our 6:30pm flight.  One said it would take 45 minutes, the other said 40 minutes.  Well, in themidst of all the craziness, I forgot to cancel one of them.  I can’t remember which cab showed, but when we got to the airport, I got a call on my cell from the other cab.  Oops – my bad.

We get to the airport with minutes to spare, need to check our bags and we’re told we have to pay for extra bags.  I thought we were going to miss our flight, but thankfully, they accepted checks and we made it just in time.  There’s something about traveling and cutting it close that seems to follow me wherever I go.  Our first leg went from Anchorage to Atlanta, and when we landed that morning, I understood why the city is dubbed “Hotlanta.”  Goodness gracious, as soon as we stepped off the plane, my hair went “POOF,” instant afro.  From there, we headed to Boston and from Boston to Halifax.  

We landed in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, just after 4pm and had to go through customs.  That was the longest, most grueling event that whole trip.  Add to the fact, our bags were “randomly picked” for search and they cut the locks on the suitcases.  I was NOT a happy camper.  I think there were still some high alert post 9/11 and I think there was a level Orange during that time, too.  Anyhow, we went through customs, finally got the green light and were the LAST ones to be released from the flight.

I met Jean for the first time, and she looked just like she sounded.  She was all smiles, inviting and exactly how I pictured her.  I think I told her she looked younger than her age (she still does.)  The 4 hour drive to PEI was scenic and it was slowly sinking in that I’ve made another transistion in my life.  I really wasn’t sure what was in store, but I was looking forward to it.

Fast forward 11 years later, and my goodness, what a life we’ve created since being here.  We went from a 1.5 room cottage to a trailer to a 2-bedroom home.  We got engaged, found out we were pregnant, got the process going to get me a Health Card, got married, had a few pregnancy scares, almost lost our first born, had to leave the country (that’s a whole other story); moved into our new home, had 2 more babies, adjusted to life as a part-time Mom while hubby works out West (dubbed Alberta widow); endured a few hardships, experienced some deaths; have been tested time and time again and wondered if we wpuld come out fine on the other side.

I went and looked at my 3 boys while they’re sleeping (which I do every night), and I cannot believe how blessed I am and what we’ve accomplished.  I’ve learned a lot about myself as well.  I realize that I CAN handle more than I give myself credit.  I’m a pretty strong gal packed in a bite-sized chunk.  I’m very determined and when I set my mind on something, you better believe I’m going to accomplish it.  I’ve still got a lot of growing to do and I’ve met some amazing people along the way.  I am a wife, mom, daughter, sister, entrepreneur, sister, friend and much more in between.  

July 2011

We’ve still got a lot of unfished business, but we’re just getting started.  Everything that we’ve seen, heard and lived through is preparing us for greatness ahead.

I can’t wait to see what lies ahead.

It’s Not the Destination, It’s the Journey that Counts – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 67

Life is a Journey

“Get ready to
take the picture, Mom.”

My kids never cease to amaze me and today was no different.  Today, Isaac, Precious and I went for a walk.  Along the way, we made a few stops.  For me, I would be in “go” mode – getting my miles in and getting home.  Today, was different.  We stopped and spoke with one of our neighbors, we took our time and on the way back, Isaac picked dandelions and made wishes on them.  As I watched him do this, I realized that those moments are what makes life so enjoyable.  The look on his face was priceless.

Making his wish

We continued on our walk and we came upon an apple tree in bloom.  We stopped again and took pictures and once again, I watched as Isaac reveled in all the beauty that was around us.  Once again, I realized that sometimes I just need to slow down and appreciate what is around me.

Yeah, the bills need to be paid, the dishes need to be done, same story every day.  But in those moments this afternoon, they will be in my memories forever and I have to thank my little guy for that.

Making a wish on
a dandelion

He’s a kid of
many expressions
Love that face

First 30 Days Done, and On to the Next 30 – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 31


Well, I am not one who jumps on the bandwagon.  Sometimes, it even takes me a while to get things.  In any case, I recently found a 31 Day Blog Challenge with specific topics for each day, and I thought, “What a cool idea…wish I had seen these when I started.”

Oh well, no time like the present, right?

So…..here goes.

My name is Dionne Tuplin.  I am married with 3 boys and I live in Canada.  I decided to start this blog challenge to help me get better at blogging as well as improve my writing.  It’s also a way for me to channel some of my thoughts that take residence in my head.  This is a great outlet for me, and I am having lots of fun, even on those days when it seems like I’m writing a whole bunch of nothing.  It’s my hope that after these 100 days, not only has my writing improved, but my blogging becomes second nature.  While I may not blog every day, it is my hope that the content I do put out there makes a difference even in one person’s life.

So, that’s a little introduction about who I am, and I hope you’ve been able to learn about me from my first 30 entries.  This next journey looks to be exciting, challenging and everything in between.

Hello, it’s me!!!

Now, the other piece to today’s task was to share a recent photo of me.  While this is not a recent photo, it is one of my favorites, and I am NOT one to be in front of the camera.  So, here I am.  Nice to meet you.  Take care, and have a great day.

100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 3 – Another Day, Another Storm

Turning Lemons into Lemonade

I gotta say, waking up on April 1st to a SNOWSTORM and Day #2 without power was not exactly what I was hoping for.  I mean, talk about a mean April Fool’s joke. Needless to say, my morning didn’t start off right, but looking back on the day, it’s not that it didn’t start out right, I CHOSE to not make it start off right.


So, this has been Day 5 of no school for the boys, we’re all going stir crazy and it just felt like everything was being dumped on me all at once.  My goodness, I mean, REALLY? REALLY?!?!!?  It just seemed to be one of those days.

And then, I decided to take out my camera.


You know, I always find solace when I have my camera in my hand.  It just seems as if all the problems melt away.  To conserve the use of my generator, I’ve been turning it off throughout the day (and to also save on gas since I only have a limited supply.)  Well, I turned the generator off around 5pm, and as soon as I did that, the sun came out.  It was the first time in a long time that I’ve seen the sun.  I just had to get my camera.

So, I started shooting.  What did I start shooting?  Some scenes of the outdoors, and then I turned the camera on my muse – my boys.

Brotherly Love

It’s always a fun time capturing my boys on film, whether it’s still life or video.  They’re very willing subjects, but then again, what kid ISN’T willing when it comes to a camera.  They let me shoot them in the evening light as the sun was going down and it was just a lot of fun.  I’m not sure how many pics I took, but I just kept shooting.  I got some pretty amazing shots of the boys and it made me realize that there are so many things we can control in life.  The weather is NOT one of them.  So, instead of bitching and complaining about it, just make the most of it.  Yes, the power’s out, and that’s no fun.  It’s still snowing and it’s April, the boys have been out of school for a week and my schedule has been turned upside down.  But, these are things completely out of MY control, so just go with the flow.

And that’s exactly what I did.

Instead, I chose to focus on what I could control and that is MY attitude and reaction to things.  Sometimes it takes me a while to realize these things, but when I do, it usually sticks.

Yeah, it’s all worth it!!!

Not sure what tomorrow will bring, but according to the weather, things should be looking up for our neck of the woods, and I hope it’s true.  If it turns out to be another snow day for the boys, we’ll make it work.  That’s all we can do.  Hopefully the power will be back on, but if not, we’ll make do.  We’ve been doing pretty well so far.

But, that doesn’t mean I can’t have visions of warm weather and a bit of tranquility every now and again either, right?  No, I didn’t think so.

Rising to the Blog Challenge – 100 Day Blog Challenge

Day 1 – Another Day, Another Challenge

Challenges seem to bring out the best in me, and so I’ve decided to challenge myself once again so I can hone my blogging skills.  Hone?  How about FIND my blogging skills?!?!?!  My blogs have been very sporadic and all over the place.  I’ve got lots to say and just not sure how to say it.  So, yesterday, it hit me – if I am going to get better at blogging, I’m going to have to be consistent with blogging.

I’m not sure how this will pan out, but I am nervous, excited and looking forward to this challenge.  What will happen?  My hope is that over the next 100 days, I will develop a great desire to blog more often.  Some will be planned (i.e. reviews, essays, etc.), most will be on the fly, based on my emotions.  Some will be quick little posts, others novels.  But, I will always be honest and try to be as real as possible.

Thank you, in advance, to those who decide to follow me on this journey.  I welcome any and all feedback and hope these next 100 days will be a growing process for you and me alike.  Take care, be well, and thanks for reading.