Stepping Back, Recharge and Getting a Fresh Perspective – 100 Day Blog Challenge Day 10

Sometimes Our Biggest Obstacle is Ourselves

I ALWAYS get giddy!!!

Do you ever have one of those days where it starts off on a positive note and then it takes a slight dip?  Well, today was one of those days.  I was super excited, because a package was scheduled to arrive today and I turn into a kid on Christmas morning.  I knew what is was, but that anticipation is just so awesome.  Anyhow, my package arrived, and I had some pleasant surprises in the box.  Oh, how I love a little extra.

As the day progressed, things started to shift.  I had some work do do and I asked the boys to give me an hour so I could do my work.  I should know that it goes in one ear and out the other.  Thankfully, I was speaking with a friend who’s also a Mom, but it’s can be so frustrating when you ask for that time.

I felt like I was on overload, so I shut down.  Once the boys went to bed, I shut down my laptop, lights and gave myself permission to take a break.  That 90 minutes off felt so good.  I took a little nap, woke up and felt rejuvenated.  It also gave me a chance to evaluate myself, if that makes sense.  As my subtitle states, “sometimes our biggest obstacle is ourselves.”

Why do we, or at least, I (I can only speak for myself) over complicate things?  Just keep it short and simple.  Just be yourself, honest and speak from the heart.  People will be able to tell whether or not you truly care about their well-being, or if you’re trying to “get” them.  This particular instance didn’t happen with me today, but after I shut down for that little bit, I did a self-evaluation and this came to mind.

Tackling the Fears and Keeping Connected

Today, people are afraid.  This is a scary time for so many and not sure what the future will hold.  The last thing someone wants is to feel as if they’re being short-changed or taken for a ride.  I was just listening to a training, and one of the things discussed is the importance of keeping connected with others.  Touching base, and I don’t mean via text, email, or even Facebook.  But a good old-fashioned phone call.  When was the last time you picked up the phone and had a conversation with someone?  Does anyone else still do this anymore?

When was the last time you received a letter or card in the mail just because?  These days, all that shows up in the mail are bills and flyers.  Remember pen pals?  What ever happened to sending hand-written notes to others letting them know you’re thinking of them and hope they’re having a good day.

Sometimes we are our biggest obstacles and the thing we need to do is go back to the basics.  Reach out to someone who’s been on your mind.  Pick up the phone, call, write a letter, send smoke signals, WHATEVER.  Reconnect with the person you’ve fallen out of with who you’ve been dying to contact.

I am so guilty of this and need to be more proactive.  the information age is great, but sometimes it can be overkill.  Shutting down for a bit has made a world of difference.  It’s opened my eyes and given me a clearer picture of what needs to be done.  So, next time you’re thinking about someone, reach out to them.

You just never know, you may change that person’s life that day.

Do something without expecting
anything in return