Let’s Talk About FEAR – 100 Day Blog Challenge Day 9

What is Fear?

Fear.  Four little letters that have such a BIG impact on our lives.  What is fear?  False Evidence Appearing Real (or False Expectations Appearing Real.)  It’s what we perceive in our minds and what we sometimes let consume us.

I’m guilty of being afraid of lots of things.  I’m not gonna lie, but there are times when the fear takes over.  When I look back on all the things I was “afraid” of, it turned out to me making mountains out of mull hills.  

What are some of my fears?  

Opening up to people – letting my guard down.  Too often than not, I look for the good in others because it is my belief that we are all good in some way.  Sometimes that has come back to bite me and I become more of an introvert and not want to let people in.

Change – change is a good thing because we tend to get very comfortable where we are. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone because that’s where all your dreams and achievements are found.  Embrace change.  Change is good and necessary.

Failure – this one has so many levels, it’s not even funny.  Failure as a parent, wife, business woman, friend, in life.  Failing to live my life to its fullest potential.  Why do we do this to ourselves?  Or at least why do I do this to myself?

Rejection – rather hearing “no.”  When someone tells us no, we tend to take it personally.  But, what we have to realize is the no is not to you, but to the situation.  Or, it could mean “not now.”  Learn to get past the no, embrace it and move on.

Success – when things are going bad, we know what to expect.  We’re more acceptable of the downfalls, because we can pick apart what could be improved.  But when things are going GREAT, you tend to wonder when the ball is going to drop or when will the rug get pulled from under you.  Success can come in many forms, and no matter how big or small, those accomplishments pave the way for better things to come.

What’s the cure for FEAR?

Do it anyway!!!  I’ve heard this over and over in many forms.  Do it afraid.  You’ve got an adrenaline rush, your palms are sweaty, your heart’s racing and that’s the BEST time to take action.  Inactivity breeds fear; activity breeds results.  When I first started this blog challenge, I was afraid of what the reaction of others would be.  Will anyone read them?  Will it make sense?  Will others get it?  WHO CARES?!?!?!  Just do it!!!  Let the chips fall where they may and things will happen.  Trust the process.

What are your fears?  What have you been putting off because you were afraid of the results?  Take action.  Do it anyway.  It’ll be hard in the beginning, but once you get over that hump, everything else is smooth sailing.

Conquer your fears – take action and put those fears to rest.