What Are You Looking Forward To? – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 92

What Am I Looking Forward To?

There are quite a few things I’m looking forward to.  First off, I’m really excited about the upcoming school year.  Yes, I know the kids just got out of school, but I’m looking forward to the next phase of our life when all 3 boys will be in school.  It’ll be quite a few firsts – the first time all 3 will be in school together all day and the first time I will be in a kd-free zone all day.  I’ve been joking around saying I’m gonna have a party and go wild and crazy, but I am readay to see what life and my days will be like without any kids.

I’m also looking foarward to the possibility of hearing an amazing speaker this September.  A little challenge was posted our way and it’s a little bit of a tall order.  It’s going to require me to really get over my fears, step up and take chances.  When I keep that determined attitude that I know I have (since I’ve done it in the past,) there’s no reason why I can’t make the trip to Montreal to hear this person speak live and have the chance to sit down and speak with him on a personal level.

So, these are the two things I’m most looking forward to.  They’re coming up, so I’ve got to step it up.  I’m up for the challenge, and can’t wait to see what I accomplish.

Summer Vacation and Three Promotions – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 86

Growing and Learning

Today was the last day of school for the boys and it was a really good day.  The boys woke up excited, looking forward to school (I’m thinking it had to do with today being the LAST DAY) and their talent show.

I’m sharing some more reflection on my boys, because this truly has been a year to remember.  I had two in school and one at home.  The last time I had one at home was when Elijah was an only child.  Talk about a different dynamic.  Now, all 3 will be in school this fall, an they are all ready.  This will be a new transition for us all, as I will have a house to myself and all 3 will be together among other children.  I’m not too worried about them, as I know they will all look out for each other.  My hope is that they will always think about the choices they make and be considerate of others.

School Supply lists for
all 3 Boys!!!

The boys brought home their report cards, and I’m just a very happy Mom.  So much growth over this past school year, and I’m excited to see how it all unfolds next year.  Wow, I’m going to have all 3 boys in school.  One in Kindergarten, one in 1st grade and one in 4th grade.  Where has the time gone?

It really is true that they grow up fast, and we have to cherish every moment with our kids.  Even on the days they drive us crazy, which has been quite often around these parts.  But, as I checked in on them tonight before I sat down to blog, I realized once again how blessed I have been to be chosen to be their mother.

Summer has officially begun and the summer sports are already under way.  Elijah’s been in softball for the past couple weeks and next week starts soccer for all three.  It will certainly be a revolving door in these parts this summer, that’s for sure.  Looking forward to seeing what unfolds and how the upcoming school year will be for us all.

Congrats to all the graduates as they embark on their new journeys and all the kids as they’ve been promoted to their new grades.  A big woo-hoo to all those kids who will be starting their first year of school this fall and here’s to everyone just having a great summer, and enjoying life.

Recognition Helps – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 80

Getting Noticed

There’s my board,
3rd from the bottom on the right!!!

Life is pretty funny.  This morning, as I was going through my email, I read through my Pinterest email.  As I was scrolling down, I got to the “New Boards to Follow” section.  Low and behold, who is among those listed but my 100 Day Blog Challenge.  I think I literally screamed.  I couldn’t believe it!!!  I had no clue my little ole challenge was even on anyone’s radar, let alone get noticed by PINTEREST!!!.  Talk about speechless.

This got me to thinking about recogniton.  We are a society that thrives on recognition.  I learned of a quote from Bob Nelson that says, “People may take a job for more money, but often leave it for more recognition.”  We really do love to be recognized for our efforts and in the corporate world, that’s just not heard of or standard practice.  At least not for small milestones.  It’s very rare, if at all, you’ll get a pat on the back from your boss for a job well done on any particular day.  Most will believe that’s part of your job description and what you get paid for.

I truly believe in that quote because I’ve lived it personally.  We all have.  What does that

recognition do?  It validates us and our work.  It gives us the stamp that says someone takes notice and sees your potential.  Onr of the things that I really admire about the company I’m partnered with is how much you are recognized every step of the way as you are working toward your goals.  

The other day, I was speaking with my mentor, and I’m not sure if he even realized it, but he shared with me that the entire home office staff takes notice of my consistency and participation.  Apparently, I am known by many in the home office and they’re looking out for and proud of my efforts.  Talk about a mood booster.  That one comment makes it all worth it because, yes, others are taking notice.  I’m not where I want to be, but others recognize my efforts and are cheering me on.  It’s a great feeling.

Employers, take note!!!

My question for you is this – are you recognized for your efforts, be it professional or personal?  Better still, when was the last time someone acknowledged your efforts and let you know how much you’re appreciated?

A Whole New Sense of Whoa!!! – 100 Day Blog Challenge Day 47

A Whole New Game

So, I’ve got a few mintues left until the “day” is done, but wanted to get these quick thoughts down.  Day 1 of Convention is in the books and what an amazing start to the week!!!  A whole new sense of “whoa” doesn’t even begin to cover it.  Excited, determined, focused, never giving up, moving forward. 

This is so amazing and to be here experiencing it live with so many others is beyond words.  So many lives will be changed for the better and I can’t wait to see where this new journey takes us.  More to come, but must get some sleep.

So excited!!!

First 30 Days Done, and On to the Next 30 – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 31


Well, I am not one who jumps on the bandwagon.  Sometimes, it even takes me a while to get things.  In any case, I recently found a 31 Day Blog Challenge with specific topics for each day, and I thought, “What a cool idea…wish I had seen these when I started.”

Oh well, no time like the present, right?

So…..here goes.

My name is Dionne Tuplin.  I am married with 3 boys and I live in Canada.  I decided to start this blog challenge to help me get better at blogging as well as improve my writing.  It’s also a way for me to channel some of my thoughts that take residence in my head.  This is a great outlet for me, and I am having lots of fun, even on those days when it seems like I’m writing a whole bunch of nothing.  It’s my hope that after these 100 days, not only has my writing improved, but my blogging becomes second nature.  While I may not blog every day, it is my hope that the content I do put out there makes a difference even in one person’s life.

So, that’s a little introduction about who I am, and I hope you’ve been able to learn about me from my first 30 entries.  This next journey looks to be exciting, challenging and everything in between.

Hello, it’s me!!!

Now, the other piece to today’s task was to share a recent photo of me.  While this is not a recent photo, it is one of my favorites, and I am NOT one to be in front of the camera.  So, here I am.  Nice to meet you.  Take care, and have a great day.

Some Things are Better Left Unsaid – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 29

It’s Happened Again…

Yep, this about sums it up!!!
I just thought this was

While I wouldn’t call this a case of writer’s block, I just don’t know what I would like to share today.  It was a fairly productive day, for a rainy Sunday, but I’m just not sure what or if there is anything worthy to share.  There are quite a few topics running through my head right now, and believe me, if you were to see what’s running through this noggin of mine, you’d go running for the hills.

That’s a lot of running, huh?

Anyhow, I do have somewhat of a big day tomorrow and I’m looking forward to it.  And that’s all I’m gonna say about that.  Just keep your fingers crossed, prayers and wish me luck for a successful outcome.

So, I think this is all I have that’s fit to print, and it’s done before the clock turns 12, and I turn back into a pumpkin.  Take care, thanks for reading, and make each day count.