Embracing Change

Change…it’s such a hard thing to grasp sometimes.  I mean, why do things have to change?  Can’t things just remain the same?  I don’t always think this way, but this has come into play fairly recently on many different levels.

This week, my hubby left for work in Alberta, Canada, which is about 3,000 miles and 3 time zones away.  We knew this was coming, and waiting for the call for a new job, but the reality setting in was a different story.  At first, I was just numb.  I didn’t know WHAT to feel.  It’s  not like this was something new.  This has been my life for the past 7 years.  What made it different was he’d been home for the past 14 months or so.  While our finances took a hit, something else happened…we were a family.  The boys got to know their Dad and he got to know them.  We were a unit and it almost felt normal.  So, when we had to watch him get on a plane Monday morning, it was a little surreal.  Hearing and watching Elijah, our oldest, break down begging for his Dad to stay home was a whole new level of “whoa.”

It’s amazing how one person or one event can have such an impact on your life.  We know it’s for the greater good, and at least he’ll be home every two weeks, but transitioning back to single mother duties is going to be a challenge.  It already has been a challenge.  The emotions, the adjustments, EVERYTHING has shifted.  We’ve all had to make some changes and it’s been a little rough.  Day 3 of Operation Single Mom has commenced, and so far, 80, no 70, no 60% of the kinks have been worked out.  This is going to be a process.

Change has happened in other areas of my life as well.  I’ve embarked on a fitness lifestyle since 2010, and it’s been going great.  So far, my favorite instructor is Chalene Johnson.  I’ve done 3 rounds of TurboFire, and finished ChaLEAN Extreme in December.  This month, I started RevAbs, and as I posted in one of my fitness groups, I was not feeling it.  Here’s what I posted:
“Hey Fitness Pals, so I’ve been doing the RevAbs program now for 17 days, and wasn’t really feeling it (hence the addition of TF here and there.) Then it dawned on me. The reason why I haven’t been getting into it is because I haven’t ALLOWED myself to accept the new workout. I’ve been so used to Chalene Johnson’s technique that I kind of compared the two. I wasn’t open to the change. We all know how we tend to react to change, right? So, this morning when I popped the Power Intervals DVD in for class today, I made a mental note to myself to let go and embrace the workout. Wow, what a difference it made. By changing my mindset just a tiny bit, allowed me to not only have a great workout (I finally did a couple of the full-on Squat Thrusts) but I actually had FUN!!! So, there’s my thought for the day. Embrace change, because it’s what will get you to where you want to go. Take care, and be well, my friends.”

This post is actually what inspired me to write this blog.  Change is hard; change is tough; change forces us to, well, CHANGE!!!  And sometimes we just don’t want to.  But when we are willing to let go, embrace change, and allow what happens to happen, we may be pleasantly surprised at what we find on the other side.

We’re 23 days into 2013, and I vowed this would be a year of change.  I am currently redoing Chalene Johnson’s 30 Day Challenge, which has totally given me a new found energy and drive to tackle my goals.  I have noticed my confidence level coming back; I have more posture and I am handling my tasks with a go-get ’em attitude.  It’s still a process, and by no means am I where I want to be.  But this challenge has given me to push I need to get back on the saddle, re-evaluate my priorities and do the things that will give me the results I seek.

As far as my business goes, I have my goals in place, and doing the right activities that will lead me to my goals.  Many will disagree, many will argue.  Those who catch the vision and see what I see will partner with me and I will help them reach their goals. 

So, while change may be scary, uncomfortable and downright awful to swallow, EMBRACE it!!!  This is a new year to make your dreams come true.  So, decide what you want, seek the information to get you there and put a plan in place to make it happen.

Take care, be well, and until we meet again, never stop dreaming!!!  Here’s to achieving our goals. 

TurboFire – My New Exercise Journey

Today, I started a new workout regime – TurboFire!!!  After having so much success with Power 90, I wanted to take it up a notch, and I have found it with TurboFire.  I’ve completed one day, and man oh man was it intense!!!  Non stop cardio, fast paced, moving to the beat, lots of sweat, but most of all, a GREAT time.  Yes, it’s a workout, but it’s also a party.  Chalene Johnson, the same one who ran the 30 Day Challenge, is the mastermind behind TurboFire.  

Today’s classes included Fire 30 and Stretch 10.  The music is amazing, like you’re at the club or dance hall, and it’s like a bunch of friends getting together to have fun.  It was a great workout, and if all the other workouts are like this, I am in for a treat.  A word of caution – this is an INTENSE cardio workout.  Your heart rate will increase, and you shouldn’t do this workout routine if you a)can’t do a full month of 30 minute intense cardio 3 times a week; b) don’t have a healthy heart or c) have knee or joint problems.  

I do love the fact that there’s the “New to Class” option that takes you through some of the routines step by step and gives you a chance to become familiar with the workouts.  I thought I was going to be too good for the “New to Class” but I’m glad I did it.  I was stumbling on some of the routines, but I picked it up and got back into it.

Tomorrow’s class is HIIT 15 and Stretch 10. It should be another great workout.  I might not post every day, but I will report on my progress.

Until next time, be well.

Chalene Johnson’s 30 Day Challenge Graduate

On January 1, I started yet another challenge.  Chalene Johnson, fitness guru, put a challenge forth to her followers and fans.  We give her 30 days and she will provide us with the tools, skills, support and knowledge to become more organized and to reach our goals quicker.  I have to admit, I was very skeptical.  Not necessarily of the challenge, but whether or not I would stick with it.  I can’t say why I would think that, seeing I completed the Power 90 Boot Camp and loved every minute of it.

In any case, here is my story with the 30 Day Challenge.

First off, I completed the entire challenge.  A whole 30 days of diligent hard work, developing new habits, recognizing areas that need improvement and having a written out plan for my future and my success.  It was scary, exciting, invigorating, uplifting, amazing and most certainly life changing for me.  I let go of my inhibitions, was willing to learn and used the techniques in my every day life and business.  The results have been phenomenal.  In 30 days, I accomplished a few of my small goals, I defined my Push Goals, learned the importance and necessity of creating a To Do list EVERY DAY and prioritizing my life.

During the challenge, I learned to let go of my fears and share with others my goals.  That literally opened the doors to opportunities I never would have thought possible.  I added members to my team, reached new levels of accomplishment in my business, found support in old and new friends and what I believe to be a new found respect from my peers.

I learned that you should NEVER stop learning, ask questions, ask for help, seek the support of others who believe in you and always keep pushing forward.  The only person responsible for my actions, or lack thereof, is me.  Because I took action and stuck with this challenge, I found myself more confident in myself.  I now believe that I can and WILL reach my Push Goal of Senior Director in my business by this August, get out of debt, and help to provide the life my family deserves.  

Throughout this challenge, the level of support was more than I ever could have imagined.  I’ve had several people contact me asking about the challenge and whether it’s something they can do.  Wow – what a great feeling.  I also gained some new friends – fellow 30 Day Challenge members who reached out to me and wanted to get to know me better.  

I can’t thank Chalene Johnson enough for this amazing challenge.  It has opened my eyes to the many possibilities and opportunities out there for me.  I’m not done, either.  Starting tomorrow, February 1st, I am redoing the challenge again.  Hey, like I said, you should never stop learning, and I’m sure by doing the challenge again, I will learn something new.  In addition to redoing this challenge, I’m also participating in another one.  A few of us are reading “Unstuff Your Life” by Andrew Mellen, in an effort to organize my home, office, and life.  Doing both at the same time should prove interesting and at the very least, exciting.

If you’d like to learn more about this challenge, or participate yourself, go to http://www.30DayPush.com.  Register with your name and e-mail and see how this challenge can change your life.

Until next time, take care and be well.