Find Your Inspiration – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 78

Find Your Inspiration

My post from yesterday came about because of a comment someone made and it got under my skin.  Later that night, I listened to a training with Robin Sharma as the main topic.  I was recently introduced to Robin Sharma back in October or November from my Regional Mentor and one of the books he recommended I read is The Leader Who Had No Title.  Admittedly, I started reading the book, but I haven’t finished, but what I have read is pretty darn amazing. 

During last night’s training, Robin hit on some key points to having a great life, but what really hit a nerve for me were some of his quotes.  For anyone who knows me, knows I live for great quotes.  What I’d like to do is share some of the quotes that spoke to me and what I wrote down.  Perhaps one or more will resonate with you:

“Limits are liars and fears are thieves.  Don’t trust them!”

“Inspiration drives optimal performance.”

“Fuel your well of inspiration.”

“Fuel the inspiration that invokes your best ideas!”

“Keep your inspiration high.”

“Live in a tight bubble of inspiration.”

“The quality of your routines determines the caliber of your performance.”

“Don’t waste your day doing anything that you are not passionate about.”

“Every master was once a beginner.  Every pro was once an amateur.”

“The seduction of ‘safety’ is often more dangerous than the ‘perception’ of uncertainty.”

“Your perception of your potential will determine how much of your potential you will live.”

Throughout his training, Robin literally took us on a trip around the world.  We saw exotic islands, the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City and everywhere in between.  What did this training do for me?  For a while I have been in a “poor me” phase, which is a phase I really don’t like to be.  It seemed like things weren’t happening for me; people were going sideways; some entered the Witness Protection Program; and it felt like a downward spiral.  Robin Sharma’s training helped me realize what I already know, but needed to hear in a different way.

Regardless of what someone ELSE does, that does NOT determine my future, my life and/or my success.  Everything always results from MY actions.  What others do or don’t do is not the end factor of my future.  It rises and falls with MY actions!!!  So, I need to follow the training and quotes I wrote from last night, eliminate the toxic people out of my life, and surround myself with those who inspire me and have a positive impact on me.  This spills over into my life and creates an environment of positive energy.

I highly recommend reading and surrounding yourself with inspiring people; people who push you to make you a better person and always be willing to learn and grow.

Inspiration – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 23

Inspiration is Everywhere

What inspires you?  What keeps you going?  Do you seek a higher power or are there people in your immediate circle of influence who you inspire you?

I’m inspired by many different things, people and everything in between.  I love quotes – they keep me going. Many motivational speakers, authors and historic figures give me the added push I need.  Some include Brian Tracy, John Maxwell, Mark Victor Hansen, Jim Rohn, just to name a few.  Most important, my family, especially my children, inspire me to always strive for my best, even on those days when I don’t feel inspirational.

Fairly recently, I’ve been on the receiving end of inspiration, and I’m speechless.  Never did I think I influence others.  Seriously, it may sound ridiculous, crazy, naive…but, in all honesty, for a long time, I didn’t see myself as someone who inspires others.  I just see myself as a woman doing her best every day and creating an amazing life for my family.  I’m very modest, humble, and someone who does NOT like the spotlight.  I’m a behind-the-scenes type of gal…willing to let others shine.  So, I’m always amazed when I get notes from others or hear that I have made a difference in someone’s life.  

It’s the truth.

For me, I look at myself as someone who’s plotting along, doing what I need to do to succeed.  I think the best way for me to explain is I don’t think I’m anyone special. I have a belief that we all possess a common sense trait that we should use.  I believe we all have the ability to succeed at whatever we desire, if we are willing to put in the work.  

Work Works

I’m no stranger to hard work. I do my best to put my best foot forward at all times.  I’m a work in progress; willing to learn.  I love learning…learning from others who can help me be a better person.  Others who are willing to show me the way, without doing it for me.  I am willing to put in the time, the effort, the sacrifice, the ridicule.  I don’t or rather, I won’t take the easy way out.  I want to know that everything I’ve accomplished was because I put my all into it.  Done by my hard work.

I love to work with and be around others who aren’t strangers to hard work.  Those who are willing to get into the trenches with me, get a little dirty, and come out clean on the other end.  Those who are willing to delay the instant gratification for the long-term gratification.  I love to surround myself with positive, people.  The people who inspire ME to be a better person.

Make a Difference

It really doesn’t take much to inspire others.  Eye contact is so key.  Say hello to someone; hold the door open; let someone go ahead of you; pay for someone’s coffee…the possibilities are endless.  Yes, pay it forward.  Make a difference; inspire.