Summer Vacation and Three Promotions – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 86

Growing and Learning

Today was the last day of school for the boys and it was a really good day.  The boys woke up excited, looking forward to school (I’m thinking it had to do with today being the LAST DAY) and their talent show.

I’m sharing some more reflection on my boys, because this truly has been a year to remember.  I had two in school and one at home.  The last time I had one at home was when Elijah was an only child.  Talk about a different dynamic.  Now, all 3 will be in school this fall, an they are all ready.  This will be a new transition for us all, as I will have a house to myself and all 3 will be together among other children.  I’m not too worried about them, as I know they will all look out for each other.  My hope is that they will always think about the choices they make and be considerate of others.

School Supply lists for
all 3 Boys!!!

The boys brought home their report cards, and I’m just a very happy Mom.  So much growth over this past school year, and I’m excited to see how it all unfolds next year.  Wow, I’m going to have all 3 boys in school.  One in Kindergarten, one in 1st grade and one in 4th grade.  Where has the time gone?

It really is true that they grow up fast, and we have to cherish every moment with our kids.  Even on the days they drive us crazy, which has been quite often around these parts.  But, as I checked in on them tonight before I sat down to blog, I realized once again how blessed I have been to be chosen to be their mother.

Summer has officially begun and the summer sports are already under way.  Elijah’s been in softball for the past couple weeks and next week starts soccer for all three.  It will certainly be a revolving door in these parts this summer, that’s for sure.  Looking forward to seeing what unfolds and how the upcoming school year will be for us all.

Congrats to all the graduates as they embark on their new journeys and all the kids as they’ve been promoted to their new grades.  A big woo-hoo to all those kids who will be starting their first year of school this fall and here’s to everyone just having a great summer, and enjoying life.

More Reflection and Appreciation – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 85

Justus’s First Year of School


I am a proud Mom this week.  Today, Justus brought home his items from school  and his teacher also included a video diary of the year.  Teary-eyed doesn’t even begin to cover it.  Justus has always been the one I was concerned about when he started school because he’s very quiet and I was afraid others would mistake his quietness for weakness.  I didn’t want anyone to pick on him or make him feel uncomfortable.

I was so wrong in many ways.

He has grown and thrived in such a short period of time.  From his writing, which in the beginning was literally chicken scratch, to now almost at the same level as his older brother is mind-blowing.  He’s reading, he’s drawing, he made friends, he LOVES school.  He comes home and shares his day and is excited about something new each day.

After speaking with my hubby last night about Elijah’s progress, he told me to take my hand and pat myself on the back for a job well done.  It’s very humbling, for me, at least, to realize how much of an impact I have on my kids.  I am tough on them and I won’t apologize for it because even though they don’t like it at the time, in the long run, it’s worth it.  

I’m sure I shared most of these words yesterday, and that’s fine.  My kids are amazing and I’m touting their horn.  Justus has come into his own, no, he has grown and improved his skills by connecting with other kids his age and has fostered some great relationships.

Yes, another proud Mom moment, indeed.

Proud Mom Moment Reflection – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 84

It’s All Worth It

From Elijah’s Handwriting Folder

Today, the kids brought home their things from school.  With 2 days left of the school year, they have been slowly clearing out their desks and bringing home their work for the year.  Elijah brought home all his workbooks, and I decided to go through them to see what he’s learned and how he’s progressed.  

Proud doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Workbook after workbook, I saw such growth and comprehension from him that I always knew was there, but to see it in print left me speechless and very happy.  His math comprehension is unbelievable, his handwriting – phenomenal; his journals and reading comprehension is so spot on.  It’s made me realize that all the hard times I give him, being tough on him, making him do his spelling over and over, even when he didn’t want to and having him read that one last chapter before putting his book away has all been worth it.

I’ve got some amazing kids.  I’ve always known this, and this is not me bragging or anything, but I really do have some amazing boys.  Elijah’s signed up for Softball this summer, along with returning for a 3rd season for soccer.  Each year, he just gets better and better and I sometimes have to pinch myself to see if this is real.  It’s been a tough journey so far raising these 3 little guys, and I’ve had to fight a lot of battles with them as they get older. But I realize, that just with everything else, being consistent is what makes all the difference.  

I HAVE to keep on these boys about everything.  Believe me, there are days when I want to throw in the towel.  To be honest, I have a few times just because I felt so overwhelmed.  But, it’s definitely all worth it.  They’re thriving, growing, and maturing.  They’re going to make their mark on society – positively, of course, and I can’t wait to see how that unfolds.

For now, I will revel in the fact that my oldest has had a successful 3rd Grade (Grade 3) and anticipate that next year will be just as productive.  All 3 will be in school this fall, and I can’t wait to see how that unfolds.

He may very well kill me when he finds out I shared this.  He was feeling a little embarrassed as I was going though his books and chuckling.  Not because it was funny, but because he’s growing up.  Unfortunately, he doesn’t see that right now.  He will, someday.

Celebration and Love – 100 Day Blog Challenge – Day 24

Birthday Celebration for My Little Man

Today was a day of celebration.  My son, Justus, turned 6 today, and I am simply amazed at how big he’s getting.  Justus is my middle child, a little reserved, but, quite a spitfire!!!  He was looking forward to this day for a long time.  He was celebrated at school in his class, and I even put out a birthday shout-out on the radio, but it didn’t go through (Grrrr…..)  It didn’t seem to phase him in the slightest.

The cake…was YUM!!!

We had a small family celebration dinner, and everyone had lots of fun.  Cake was involved and loved by all.  He got some great presents – his favorite things (art-related.)  That smile sums up his day today.

Every day, my boys amaze me and I have to pinch myself sometimes because sometimes it just doesn’t seem real.  I’ve got 3 boys…3 BOYS!!!  In all honesty, I am truly blessed.  Yes, they are a handful, this goes without saying – they’re boys.  But, they keep me going, always on my toes, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

To all who sent birthday wishes, thank you so much.  He’s already got the countdown started to 7….Heaven help me.