Confessions of a FitBit Junkie Part 2 – 100 Day Blog Challenge Day 6

Channeling This Addiction

After I submitted my blog post last night on some of my confessions, I came up with a couple more.  So, here are some more of my confessions:

Confession #4 – The Feeling of Utter HORROR When You’ve Discovered Your FitBit is Lost/Missing

Where did my FitBit go?!?!?!!?

I had this happen to me last summer during one of my son’s soccer games.  It was a Thursday (I will NEVER forget that day!!!)  We left the soccer field and headed home.  I went to my computer to sync my FitBit because I walked around the soccer field while they were playing.  Well, at some point between the time I left the soccer field and got home, my FitBit went MISSING!!!

Oh my goodness, I let out a scream like you wouldn’t believe.  “Where’s my FitBit? Where’s my FitBit??!?!?  WHERE’S MY FITBIT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!!!!!”  I was frantic because it was 8:00 at night, I had to get the boys to bed to prepare for a 9pm webinar and no FitBit.  So, what did I do? What any well-respected FitBit user WOULD do…

I loaded the boys up in the van and retraced my steps back at the soccer field.

Don’t judge…you’d do the same thing.

I parked my van in the same spot I parked when we were there, not there.  I did my best walking the same path toward the field looking in the grass.  Nothing.  I searched where I had our stuff perched on the fence.  Nothing.  Let me tell you, I came to understand the term “needle in a haystack” that evening.  I couldn’t find that darn thing!!!

I was devastated.  I was crushed.  I felt like crying.

My boys, God love ’em.  They were so understanding and supportive.  They kept consoling me and telling me it was going to be okay and that I would find my FitBit.  I felt like I lost a part of me.  I felt naked.

I got on the computer and contacted their customer service to see if they could help.  I got a response to try to sync again as it may be somewhere in the house.  Well, I couldn’t find it in the house, so how the heck was that going to help?!?!?!

Calm down, Dee…calm down!!!

Anyhow, it was close to 9pm, and I had to jump on my webinar.  Fortunately, the attendees didn’t show, and that gave me more time to do some Criminal Minds/CSI investigating.  I whipped out my mini-flashlight and started “casing the joint.”  That FitBit HAD to be in the house SOMEWHERE!!!

I checked every nook and cranny I could think to look. I checked the basement, the bathroom, the washer, the dryer, the dishwasher, the fridge, and then it hit me…I had an epiphany.   The flashback came rushing into my head like those scenes you see in the movies or on TV.

I remember I was in the boys’ room fixing up their beds.  I was straightening out their sheets and as I was flicking the bed sheet, something had fallen.  I checked under the bed, whipping the flashlight all around, and, there it was!!!  It was in the corner near the wall. 


For whatever reason, my FitBit decided it wanted to learn how to fly and play hide and seek at the same time.

Oh, Happy Day!!!

The feeling of elation, joy, relief, happiness, every emotion you could think of came rushing through me.  I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I jumped for joy.  And yes, I had the boys looking as well. NO ONE was going to bed that night!!!  My FitBit was secure and all was right with the world.

Life could resume its regular duties.  I was me again!!!

In closing, realize that all FitBit users have that fear of their trusty device taking a walk without them.  If that ever happens, the situation like the one described here could very well be played out with said owner.  Your best bet would be to NOT mock them or think they were crazy, but to get down on all fours and search for the FitBit. Believe me, you DO NOT want to be on the receiving end of a frantic FitBit owner who is missing said device.

Help them keep calm, agree with everything they say and you just may walk out of this with all your digits intact.  

You have been warned.

Still think I need an intervention?

I initially said I would share a couple more confessions, but this one is just so good, it needs to stand alone.